My horrible experience with Android’s alarmmanager.

4 min readDec 13, 2019

I was interested in developing an Android application a while back. I am not an experienced developer. I am a noobie who created his first Android app by using Google, Stackoverflow, and Youtube. So it may not be fair for me to rant about the horrible experience I had when I used Alarmmanager class in my app, but here I rant anyway.

First, the problem in the app.
My app needs to schedule notification accurately at a time every day.

The Solution.
The alarm manager class in the android library gives the developer access to alarm service, which the developer can use to schedule any task at a time within or outside the scope of the app. It was the perfect solution to my problem. I could execute the task(notification in my case) at a time using the Alarm manager. I needed to execute the task every day at the same time, and there were two functions that I could use from the Alarm manager.

setRepeating() — which can be used to execute the task exactly every day provided the time.

setInexactRepeating() — As the name implies, the alarm service will not fire at the right time. It synchronizes multiple Inexact alarm from different or the same app and fires approximately to save battery.




Written by Dhanush

Technology. Gaming. Cybersecurity.

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